About Us

Kourklys International School, is a place best known for the nurturing of great minds for excellence. Our Standard is Second to none in the city of Calabar. We take pride in our unwavering penchant for excellence and high quality education; providing our pupils a sustainable, safe and healthy learning environment.

Our focus in developing the “total child” is aimed at building the academic area, the health and wellbeing, the emotional intelligence and critical thinking i.e. (developing the child’s ability to solve problems). Kourklys believes that the curriculum should entail inclusive learning experience which will impact all pupil’s overall development; both indoor learning or outdoor and ‘broad curriculum’. We offer the British National Curriculum as a foundation for our teaching and learning program. The extra-curricular activities refer to the co-curricular activities program, Arts, sports , music, drama and media.

Our classes are equipped with the best digital learning facilities and instructional materials and we have employed well trained tutors who are well grounded in impacting your wards with an aided advantage of our digital infrastructure to impact and mould your child’s cognitive abilities relevant for their future prospects. We have a vast variety of blended curriculum and inclusive of an added advantage of learning three (3) foreign languages; French, Spanish and Mandarin. If you are passionate about exposing your child to an environment that will help shape their future, then you should bank on us to deliver your heart-felt desires. We can’t wait to receive your wards in to our crèche, nursery and primary schools.

  • Our Vision

    To nurture and build exceptional, creative, excellent and innovative minds with quality standard for global competition in a warm, friendly and secure environment.

  • Our Mission

    To engage passionate and experienced teachers that will impact knowledge and skills in a multimedia classroom for smart learning, with moral values and character development in a stimulated and child-oriented environment.

  • Our Philosophy

    Kourklys is built on the pursuit of knowledge through moral values, commitment, togetherness and service to humanity.